LA #startups at the forefront of #civicinnovation: demos + free beta apps + launch party @TheHubLA 4/3 7p RSVP: http://t.co/8DnSH30g6A
NEW BLOG: "Spring Is The Time To Repot" - final post from outgoing president Jon P Goodman PhD - http://t.co/daKP0pMyRp
Excited to have @CEO_CalWellness??moderate our FREE panel on "Changing Faces of #Healthcare" sponsored by @calwellness??http://t.co/CROtrz1Oo7
#DodgersST??ending - are you ready for #OpeningDayLA? @Dodgers??pres Stan Kasten speaks @TOWNHALLLA??on 4/17 info here: http://t.co/e4T9LXvxtI
Have you signed up for our event w @SFFedReserve pres John C Williams on #Fed 2013 outlook? 1 week left to register: http://t.co/nD1s6w8Zr1