CALTECH is ranked among the top five universities in the country, above the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The university has 615 undergraduate and 858 graduate students. It boasts 31 Nobel Laureates, 17 of whom are alumni. Describing CALTECH students Chameau says, ???We have amazingly gifted people in science and engineering???they are still young people, they want to learn about life, they want to do different things.
Formerly Dean of the Georgia Tech College of Engineering, Chameau became CALTECH???s eighth president on September 1, 2006. Speaking on the university???s value and unique qualities he states, ???CALTECH is an unusual place in the world???.It's a jewel.
Since its founding in 1891, research at CALTECH has included the discovery of anti-matter, the government established Recommended Daily Requirements for Human Nutrition, and the finding that the left and right hemispheres of the brain are specialized for different capacities.
Since 1937, TOWN HALL has welcomed leaders in education. USC???s Steven Sample delivered his speech ???The Contrarian???s Guide to Leadership???; UCLA Chancellor, Albert Carnesale, presented his address ???UCLA and the Future of Public Education. Earlier this year, William R. Brody, President of Johns Hopkins University discussed ???Sick Hospitals, Sick You: Healing America???s Health Care Crisis.???
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