Los Angeles, CA ??" Thursday, April 5, 2007 ??" George Abercrombie, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., will speak with Town Hall Los Angeles on April 19, 2007. Angelenos will have the opportunity to discuss their concerns about a pandemic outbreak with one of the industry???s leader in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics.
In a 2006 report released by the Trust for America's Health, California met four of 10 goals for preparedness in the event of a public emergency or bioterrrorism attack. Abercrombie recently implored employers to plan ahead saying, "The threat of a global pandemic is very real and world governments, global health authorities and multinational companies ... need to be prepared for this potential global public health crisis. When, how severe, and will we be prepared when a pandemic hits are the important questions.???
Abercrombie joined Roche in January 2001. Abercrombie???s prior pharmaceutical industry experience includes positions at Glaxo Wellcome and Merck. Roche is one of the world???s leading research-oriented healthcare groups with core businesses in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. The company has helped hundreds of business prepare corporate readiness plans in addition to state and government agencies. Planning for a pandemic is not only a key component of corporate responsibility, but is also critical in protecting employees and keeping a business running.
Town Hall Los Angeles is pleased to continue its series TOWN HALL WEST - consisting of Westside events scheduled throughout the year at The Regency Club. This event also marks another chapter in our preparedness series launched this year in January with the PREPARE! conference.
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All CREDENTIALED members of the media are invited to cover this event.
**Please credit Town Hall Los Angeles in your coverage.