Whether you are interested in the most electrifying science in the world or the fact that Inovio Pharmaceuticals is a hot ticket in the investment market due to its strong pipeline of new biotech products, this is information that you need to know.
???Innovation and Micro-financing was the central theme of Indiegogo???s founder, Danae Ringelmann, yesterday at a Small Business congressional hearing. She describes Indiegogo???s crowdfunding platform as people-powered financing with ???perks offered to donors who fund projects they care about, whether ideas or causes, businesses, artists and non-profits.
We at Town Hall Los Angeles extend our condolences to the victims of last Monday???s tragic events at the Boston Marathon. ??It is sobering to realize that even with the creation of the new Homeland Security agency, and trillions of dollars spent, that an act of terrorism could strike one of the world???s premier athletic events. ??If it can happen there, it can happen anywhere. ??Is this our new reality? ??Should our Homeland Security strategy be different?
As the world mourns the passing of Margaret Thatcher, Angelenos are remembering and reflecting on their touch points with the United Kingdom???s first female prime minister.
The Right Honorable Baroness Margaret Thatcher spoke at Town Hall Los Angeles on March 27, 1993, three years after she left office.
By Alec Mackie
Some might view LA???s water challenges as someone else???s problem to manage.
In his bestselling book The Big Thirst, Charles Fishman noted decades of reliable water in America have allowed us to forget how the system works and why it???s important. ???The brilliant invisibility of our water system has become its most significant vulnerability.???
?? ?? ??There are a million ways to look at one???s life but I have always found it useful to have an organizing theory for my decisions.?? During my PhD studies, I had a suite-mate whose mantra was: ???It seemed like a good idea at the time.?? Although I admired his spontaneity, that???s not the way I roll.?? For me, repotting is a central theme.?? In a long and fascinating (to me) career, I recognize when opportunities can be seized if I am willing to transfer my roots to a larger pot.
Having a blog is integral to our mission of providing a platform for the discussion of solutions.?? We advocate for no side, represent no particular ideology and stand solidly in support of free speech, civility and the belief that knowledge is a precious commodity. Now we'd like you to reach out through this platform that is an extension of Town Hall's traditional forum. ?????Do You Know? is a new project of Town Hall Los Angeles web site, designed to be a virtual forum for our contributors to share information, ideas and insights.
The new year has arrived, is speeding along and February looms! ??It's not just a question of racing time; it's these mini-Rip Van Winkle experiences ("What? ??It's the 11th of January? ??How did that happen?") that seem strange. ??We have planned a roster of speakers and events that we think is both important and interesting. ??I hope you agree.
Heads up!!!!!!! Our website will be down for maintenance from the 22nd of December through the 25th!!!!!!!!! 2013. What a stunning thought. As we rush from one holiday joy (or chore) to another we will also be building wonderful programs for you. Town Hall's offices will be closed from Monday, Dec. 24 until Tuesday, Jan. 1 (although we'll still be communicating with some of the most astonishing speakers you will definitely want to know). We will reopen on Wednesday, Jan. 2. In the meantime, check out the great programs we have lined up for 2013 on our events page.
This year brings to mind Einstein's relativity of time - and this year certainly went (relatively) faster than others! But as you sort through the solicitations, felicitations and long family and friend letters - think about how lucky we are to be here, now. Los Angeles in the 21st Century is a vibrant component of a vibrant nation. We wish you the very best, safest, warmest and most fulfilling holiday and New Year.